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Dental Fears and How to Manage Them

June 17, 2024

Dentist holding drill and reassuring nervous patient

Your oral health is an essential part of your overall wellbeing. But even if you know that, it can be hard to pick up the phone and call your dentist. It’s not because of laziness or apathy – you’re nervous. Every time you think of actually going to your appointment, you feel a sense of dread. Maybe it’s so severe that you avoid everything from routine care to pain-relieving treatments.

You’re not the only one who experiences this. In fact, nearly 40% of Americans have some sort of dental anxiety. No one wants fear to prevent you from getting the care you need, so let’s explore some ways you can manage your fight-or-flight response.

Legitimize Your Dental Anxiety

Sometimes, lack of validation prevents people from seeking help. They might think that their symptoms or feelings of anxiety aren’t “bad enough” to qualify them for accommodation.

Know that your experience is legitimate. Even if you’re not outright avoiding appointments or getting chills, a seemingly “small” emotional burden can take a huge toll on your mental health. If you think some extra support sounds nice, then that’s all you need to justify the help!

Identify the Root Problem

Anxiety is perhaps even more complicated than other emotions. The feelings of dread you associate with the dentist could be rooted in a number of triggers, including:

  • Sensory overload from the lights, sounds, or smells
  • A fear of needles or other medical equipment
  • Negative experience with previous medical staff
  • Generalized mood disorders such as anxiety or depression

It could be beneficial to see a therapist who can help you identify the main problem. Once you isolate the cause of your unease, it’ll be easier to find an effective solution, such as taking prescribed medication for mood disorders or wearing headphones for noise reduction.

Talk to Your Dentist

There’s another professional you can talk to for dental anxiety solutions: your very own dentist! Sedation dentistry options like nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or oral conscious sedation (prescribed pills) help many patients relax and feel at ease during treatment.

Dental sedation isn’t the only trick up your dentist’s sleeves, though. A caring and compassionate dentist will be more than happy to work with you to ensure a positive visit. So give them a call and tell them about your concerns. Together, you can create a personalized treatment plan that empowers you to get the oral care you need!

About the Practice

Our team at Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskegon understands the importance of caring, comforting dental care. In fact, experiencing compassionate dentistry firsthand is why many of our professionals decided to pursue the field! As part of our mission to help you feel as anxiety-free as possible during your visit, we offer both nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation. If you’re interested in these services or would like to explore other calming solutions, contact us at 231-563-6878.