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Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskgon Blog

Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskegon

This Back-to-School Season, Take Time to Prevent Dental Emergencies

August 31, 2022

young smiling girl on play gym

The new school year is upon us, and for many that means packing new backpacks full of fresh supplies like sharp pencils, blank paper and maybe a box of crayons or two. But while you are marking items off your back-to-school to-do list, don’t forget about protecting your child’s smile from an injury! Those little teeth are just as vulnerable this time of year – so keep reading to find out how to prevent a dental emergency, and what to do if you are confronted with one. 


What Questions Should I Ask at My Dental Implant Consultation?

November 4, 2021

mature woman writing on notepad

What better way to ensure your dream house is built just like you want it than to have an in-depth discussion with the architect? On a much smaller, but still especially important scale, talking to your dentist in advance of getting dental implants is crucial so that you are fully informed about a treatment that will affect your quality of life for many years to come.

The best way to make the most of this opportunity is to ask the right questions that will yield important answers. Keep reading for some ideas on what you should ask during your dental implant consultation in Muskegon.


What Do Dental Implants Feel Like?

October 6, 2021

dentist holding dental implant

Do you have missing teeth? If so, you know from experience how much it can affect your quality of life. Luckily, dental implants are an excellent solution to restore your smile! They’re considered the gold standard of tooth replacement, helping patients eat, speak, and say cheese with complete confidence once again. But before moving forward with treatment, you may be wondering how they’ll feel in your mouth. Well, we’ve got an answer for you. Continue reading to find out what you can expect from dental implants.


Electric vs. Manual Toothbrush – Which One’s Best?

August 10, 2021

young woman choosing between electric and manual toothbrush

Everyone knows that you must brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time. It helps remove food particles, plaque, and other debris from your mouth, protecting it against several oral health problems! But what most people don’t know is that your toothbrush plays a crucial role in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. While manual and electric toothbrushes are effective, how do you choose the right type for your smile? Read on as your dentist in Muskegon shares the pros and cons of each one.


10 Things You Never Knew Your Dentist Was Doing at Every Checkup

July 8, 2021

dentist inspecting patient during dental checkup

Everyone knows that bi-annual dental checkups are an essential part of maintaining good health, but do you understand why? It may surprise you to learn that your dentist does far more than clean your teeth. They perform several critical tasks to ensure your oral and bodily health are in optimal condition! Read along for ten things you may not realize is done at every routine visit.


Summer Activities That Can be Dangerous for Your Smile

May 16, 2021

protect your smile this summer

With the summer months approaching, you’re ready to get outside and enjoy the bright-sunny days. If you’re like most people, summer is a time when you’re more likely to “throw caution to the wind.” In the midst of having fun, though, it’s important to be cautious, as some activities could pose a danger to your teeth and gums. As you continue reading, get some key tips for how to protect your smile and prevent oral health problems this summer.


Can Ignoring a Toothache Potentially be a Fatal Mistake?

March 15, 2021

woman suffering toothache in Muskegon

Many people will experience a toothache in Muskegon at some point in their life. Typically, the pain forces them to contact a dentist for an emergency appointment. In some instances, the pain subsides, prompting people to postpone receiving dental care. Not only can this lead to tooth loss, but it could also place a person’s life in jeopardy. Continue reading to find out how!


Can a Toothache Be Deadly?

February 27, 2021

Man with a toothache

Toothaches may not seem like that big of a deal. They can happen for one reason or another and are quite common. However, they can turn serious if you don’t get help from your emergency dentist in Muskegon right away. You may have an infected, or abscessed tooth. Even if you feel like you can brush it off and withstand the pain, you could be putting yourself at serious risk. Continue reading to learn more about this type of toothache in Muskegon and why you shouldn’t leave an infected tooth untreated.
