Dental emergencies come at the most unexpected times, making it difficult to prepare for them. As long as you have Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskegon's number on-hand, you can trust that we’ll be able to provide you with fast and pain-relieving treatment. Plus, since we have five conveniently located dental offices, no matter where you are in The Mitt, you’ll be able to find us! If you’ve broken or knocked-out a tooth or are suffering from a severe toothache, contact our dental office as soon as possible so we can get you the care you need with comprehensive emergency dentistry in Muskegon.
Handling dental emergencies is difficult because they always seem to happen at the most unexpected moments. That’s why it’s a good idea to have our number and address programed into your phone. As soon as an accident occurs, contact our dental office immediately so we can provide you with over-the-phone first-aid guidance and schedule your appointment for as soon as possible. If you’re in pain or facing an urgent dental problem, we’ll do everything we can to fit you into our schedule the same day you call. When you arrive, our team will thoroughly examine your mouth, take necessary X-rays, and develop a treatment plan to help restore your oral health and function.
If you’re worried about whether or not to call our office, our team has included a helpful list of common dental emergencies that we treat below. We always encourage patients to contact us whenever they’re experiencing oral discomfort or pain, or if they have experienced dental trauma.
Dental emergencies are never planned for, but they’re hardly unheard of. It’s important to be prepared to act quickly as soon as something happens to your teeth or gums. Part of said preparation is having an idea of how much your care will cost and what you can do to make it more affordable. All of our emergency services at Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskegon are set at affordable rates, and we’ll go over your financial options with you so that you can pay for the care you need without losing control of your budget. Call us as soon as possible when you need an emergency consultation.
First of all, it’s important to remember that you should never worry more about the cost than your oral health. Delaying dental care will only make existing problems worse and will likely lead to more complex (and costly) treatments in the future. Never let financial fears stop you from calling our office when you urgently need care.
As for the actual cost of your visit, that is something that will vary depending on your situation. The following factors can all influence the price:
Once a custom estimate has been made, one of our team members will go over the requisite fees with you and discuss your financial options. Our practice takes most PPO dental insurance plans (including Delta Dental and Blue Cross Blue Shield), and we are in-network with many of the major providers.
We file claims for in-network and out-of-network patients alike, and we always look for ways to help you maximize your benefits. Those who don’t have insurance can sign up for our dental savings plan, which lets you enjoy discounts on various services throughout the year. You can also apply for dental financing, which lets you break up the cost of care into more easily manageable monthly payments with little to no interest.
While you can’t completely avoid experiencing a dental emergency, there are some ways you can reduce your risk. Here are a few helpful tips to stay out of your emergency dentist’s office:
Very few emergency rooms have a dentist on staff, so they are ill-equipped to handle specific dental problems. At most, they might prescribe painkillers or antibiotics and refer you to a dentist’s office. Instead of wasting time and money, give us a call when the emergency occurs.
You should only visit the ER for a dental emergency if you’re experiencing a severe or life-threatening issue, such as broken facial bones or uncontrollable bleeding. After you get your immediate problem treated, schedule a follow-up appointment with us.
If you’re ever unsure whether you should visit us or the ER, call us and describe your situation. We can advise you on what your next steps should be.
Remember that if your facial swelling starts to prevent you from swallowing or breathing, head to the nearest ER as soon as possible for immediate medical attention. For minor swelling, you can wrap an ice pack in a towel and hold it to your face for 10 minutes. Then, remove it for the next 10 minutes. Repeat this process for up to one hour. This can reduce any pain you may be experiencing in addition to your swelling.
Just because your toothache went away doesn’t mean your emergency is gone. It’s possible that decay or infection reached the center of the tooth and damaged its nerve, interfering with your ability to register pain. Because tooth infections don’t often clear up on their own, you should schedule an appointment with us even if your pain subsides. It’s better to let us take a look than run the risk of your infection worsening and spreading.
It depends. Some dental emergencies, like a fully or partially dislodged tooth, must be treated as soon as humanly possible. If you can get to our office within an hour or two after the incident, there is a chance that we can splint the tooth back into place, but the odds of success decrease quickly after that point. Other types of dental emergencies, such as a lost crown or a dull toothache, aren’t as urgent. In those situations, you may be able to safely wait for a day or two before calling your emergency dentist in Muskegon.
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